Thursday 20 September 2018

Sample: Daniel Blake

Exam Style Questions

Explain two ways that camerawork has been used to create meaning for the audience in I, Daniel Blake (4 Marks)

Camerawork changes and varies between whose in shot but it is primarily between medium shots and close ups, which bring us closer to the character of Daniel as he struggles and we become closer to him as a person and not just a character in a film, it also highlights and draws attention to his facial expressions which cause an emotional response within the audience. This camerawork further indicates that when a mother with two children comes into frame, the camera shot changes to a medium wide shot from the front of the woman which means that she is only a secondary character.

Another way in which that the camera changes is towards the end of the trailer when the camera switches to a long wide shot which puts both Blake and a random character into full view and the text spray painted on the wall behind them which could have some sibilance later on in the film rather than just the snippets we see.

Explain one way editing has been used to create meaning for the audience in I, Daniel Blake               (2 Marks)

The way the shots have been edited to include jump cuts brings more meaning to the trailer than if it was handed to us in one big helping or go, by jumping between shots so frequently it could connote the rapidity in which Blake's life has been moving throughout the film and by showing us this through jump cuts in the trailer it helps to add that little bit of creative meaning for the audience.

Explain two ways sound has been used to deliver meanings for the audience in I, Daniel Blake          (4 Marks)

Non diegetic sound is used in the beginning of the of the trailer as a high-pitched sound with some deeper tones, this type of audio is primarily used in media to describe someone's isolated feelings and combining this with the camerawork at the start of the trailer it provokes an emotional response form the audience as they'll either sympathise or empathise with his feeling of isolation and loss.

But as the trailer continues and Blake gets more and more confident in what he needs to do in order to succeed the music changes along with the tone of the film,  which promotes yet another emotional response from the audience as their mood  and attitude will change from feeling sorry for Blake to one of happiness that he's managing to be more than he thought he could be.

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