Sunday 9 September 2018

Task 1

Image result for film posters 2018
In this film poster I think that both men and women are portrayed as having equal roles within the film, however there are some that appear to be in more of a position of power than others, this may signify the importance of the role that they have in the film.

Mark Hamill is the looming presence in the background which means that he'll play a significant part in the feature, also by having him in the background in the background means that he'll be a main part the over-arching story.

Next you have two other characters that are bold and in the foreground of the poster which means that they'll be linked to Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and therefore play another important part in the story of the film. It also details the possibility of multiple protagonists as well as a main antagonist.

This use of media representation is used in a lot of other media for promotion of films, television and computer games. It helps to boost marketing as it draws your eyes to the items in the posters that really stick out  which then causes you to go and do research on the thing being advertised to the public.

Image result for video game posters 2018One example of this other than the one I've chosen is this Pacific Rim Uprising poster which depicts a brightly coloured giant robot standing amongst a city of broken building, the buildings have an entire grey pallet.

Image result for christopher robin movie poster 2018
This makes both the title and the robot stand out more which attracts people to look at the poster to see the release date or to look up the trailer to see whether or not the feature is right for them. This method is a very effective marketing ploy for companies to gain a lot off money.

The use of signature props in the poster as well further highlights the clever marketing ploys to try and drum up sales, that then gives them an increase in popularity of both the company and the franchise. It also attracts new fans to the company which then gives them a new and diverse fan base, this then allows for the company to hear the people and what they want...most of the time.

However there are some posters that do not have this eye catching poster design, some are made for specific target audiences that only appeal to them.

This is a perfect example of this idea, it appeals more to the younger audiences as it's widely known as a popular children's book/ series of animated TV shows and films meaning that they would have to cater all promotion with a very strong child focus. 
However there will be some older people who will want to see it because of fond childhood memories and this movie can show them if the modern world has changed the way that children are being brought up.

All of these aspects are vitally important for companies and film producers to consider when advertising for their respective products, they need to consider the target audience and what appeals to them. That will get them more audience support for their project. A perfect example of this would be Code 8 currently in production, they get the idea that most of today's modern world is controlled via social media and YouTube.

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